Tuesday, April 13, 2010


OK, yea I feel I've finally came to the point where I can openly admit I should be admitted! If I wasn't busy enough with Girl Scouts, Passion Party, being homeroom mom, and typical everyday tasks of being a SAHM of two and wife. We have decided we are going to home school next year. Yep you heard that right, I'm going to home school! Eeek!!! We have been sweeping this idea under the rug long enough and it finally came to the point where we had to seriously look into it. Now, don't get me wrong I LOVE and I mean really LOVE her school! Frankly we just can't afford the tuition anymore, it honestly breaks my heart. We are all really looking forward to our new adventure! I know it wont be easy and I know there will be points where I will regret this decision but I'm Really hoping overall we end up loving it!
I have 2 cyber friends that homeschool, one local friend who homeschools and I have come to find more acquaintances that do too! So I should be able to do it and have some assistance if I need it! We are planning on using a charter school called CAVA here in CA. Its a state run accredited charter school. I am still looking around to see other options to make sure I made the right decision on that. The beauty of homeschooling is that if it doesn't work we can change programs until we find one!
I'm not sure if I want to home school Kassel for preschool or send him to a preschool. Right now I think that all depends on finances. I would love for him to go to the same school that Kaitlyn and I went to, family tradition and all ya know? :)
So yea.. that's one of those huge things that have been putting even more undue stress on me, on top of the million other things!

PS. If you homeschool I'd love to hear from you! Any tips?