Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School is in!

We are one week into our 2011-2012 school year! Last week was a busy week. It's always hard getting back into a routine, especially a new routine! Last year we were tied down to a 9am-2pm M-Th school week. This year we will have a lot more flexibility but still trying to find some sort of a routine.

Our first day of school went GREAT! We all woke up excited and ready to go! We all woke up on time or early and got dressed, ate breakfast and ready to learn! We took some first day of school pictures and then we went on an alphabet hike around the block and had fun with that! Then started in! It went great! We have a busy week planned so we went ahead of schedule and got extra work done.

I wouldnt let the kids into the classroom until it was time to start school. It was killing them! :)

Back to school goodies!

I hope they stay this close forever!

family shadow!

Getting work done! (It was hot can you tell?)

Day two- Kaitlyn knows what shes supposed to do so shes no problem. Kassel, my little kindergartner on the other hand isn't too keen on doing his school work. It was a hard day! But still got at least the minimum done.

Day 3- Meet up at the movies! We met up with some old and brand new friends at the dollar movies. It was great to get out and meet some new people! then we came home and got some work done! Pretty successful day.

Day 4- Back to school party! We had a great back to school party with some friends. We were all dressed silly since we had a clown come and do face painting and a magic show! Great day with great friends! We got some school work done after we got home.

Day 5- Friday! My plan is for Fridays to be completely free of school work but depends on how busy our week is. This Friday we had a yard sale planned and we were busy doing that until 2pm which is when we had a play date scheduled. We got to the play date about an hour late but still were able to meet up with some new friends.

Week one, DONE! Mission completed!