Thursday, December 31, 2009
Be Gone With you!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 11:47 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Like a Cozy Blanket
You know when you haven't seen a friend in a long time and you wonder, do you really have much in common, will things be awkward or will things just fall back into place? Well, some friends are just like a cozy blanket and things just fit! I was so excited when I found out an old friend moved to town! We haven't seen each other in a year and even then it was for a birthday party that was pretty much it. It's just crazy to me how life really does get in the way of friendships. I don't get it! I mean what DO we do with all our time? Sometimes I think people now days we are all so busy but yet, doing what? Are we really too busy to keep up friendships? Too many friendship's have fallen to the wayside just because we don't put the effort into keeping them together. We all know how much work it takes to keep a marriage together. Really every relationship takes effort and time and YES of course it IS worth it! One of my new goals is to be a better friend. Try my best to stay in touch and DO THINGS with my friends! I mean I'm ALWAYS more then willing to do things for my friends if/when they need something. But I think that what we need most is friends!
If you all don't know me by now I do get a little sidetracked and YES I often ramble. My point to this post was to share my excitement about my friend moving to town! We went out last night and I showed her around town a little, in all actuality I'm sure I just confused the hell out of her! lol Turned her all around and I actually think I helped her! LOL Her little man that I think I've only seen like three times was SO cute and so sweet! I think he and Kassel (and Kaitlyn too I guess) will have alot of fun together! Here's to reestablishing friendships!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Something's Gotta Give!
You know when things just NEED to change but you don't know what? Or maybe you want EVERYTHING to change? I've been fighting with this for awhile now. Well, it finally came to a header last night and SOMETHING HAD to GIVE! So.... I chopped about six inches off my hair! This is from someone who basically NEVER styles her hair! Even when I try to do something to my hair it doesn't work and just pisses me off to no end! So, no I don't know what I'm doing! lol I looked through some old and recent pictures and came to the decision that I want my hair short again! So... off to the bathroom and CHOP! I decided I needed bangs too. Its been about ... hmmm...20 years or so since I had bangs. So yea drastic change! Hubby helped me even out the back a little and today my niece is coming over to fix the rest of the little pieces that need help! But I actually like it! No picture yet but soon! :)
So... Now whats next???
Maybe i should make it cool like this I dunno, I really like it!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 12:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Decorations, Take them down or leave them up??
Christmas is MY holiday! I LOVE Christmas! BUT.... not so much this year! I usually leave all the Christmas decortations up as long as I posibly can! Yesterday I was so tempted to pull everything down and pack them away never to be seen again until next year, instead I slept all day! It was nice! So today, I slept in late. Got up, had some more goodies which is totally making my waistline grown (there goes my stress diet!) and now what? Do I take them down and say Good Bye Christmas? Do I leave them up? I just dont know!
What do you do?
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 1:49 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What a Year!
This year has been..... one hell of a year! No, not in a good way!
I am SO ready to say GOODBYE to 2009! Good Riddens!
This has been a very trying year for me and my family. Hence such little postings! I REALLY want to get back into posting as I find blogging so much fun! I've just been in a big ole funk lately and havent found pleasure in the things that use to be me hapiness.
This years recap- (positives only, trying to stay optomistic!)
1)Kaitlyn started kinder in an AMAZING school! Shes such a smart cookie, she has enjoyed every minute of school. We feel very blessed to be able to have her in such an awesome school and pray to God we can keep her there!
2)I have made some great new friends and have gotten back in touch with some old friends.
3) Kassel is comming into his own. He is such a funny, happy, sweet little boy!
4) Started a Girl Scout troop and is truely excited about sharing Girl Scouting with my girls! We have such a great troop of girls and moms!
5) We moved into a home that truely feels like home!
6) I started my own business! I am having so much fun being a consultant for Passion Parties! Going to a party every time I go to work, having a drink at work AND making some money to help out the family! Can't complain about the darn thing there! :)
7) Ken and I have lasted 7 years of marriage!
8) Took a very special trip to the North Pole to see Santa with friends!
We had an amazing Christmas and we hope you all had a great one as well! I plan on posting more often now, so hope you all can start poping in once in awhile again! Sorry I went AWOL on you guys! lol
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Back to School!
The First Day of School
I gave a little wink and smile
As you entered my room today.
For I know how hard it is to leave
And know your child must stay.
You've been with him for five years now
And have been a loving guide,
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave him by my side.
Just know that as you drive away
And tears down your cheeks my flow
I'll love him as I would my own
And help him learn and grow.
For as a parent, I too know
How quickly the years pass.
So please put your mind at ease
And cry those tears no more
For I will love him and take him in
When you leave him at my door.
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Blog Hop!
Ok, today is Blog Hop day! But... I'm a huge slacker right now and have not been able to scrap in what feels like ages! We were suposed to do a layout with hidden journaling. Slip your journaling into a pocket, behind pictures or pretty much anything so that the journaling isn't visable when you first look at the layout but if you know its there you can pull it out and read it. Great for personal journaling or something you dont want just anyone to read! Sorry I'm a slacker and didn't do it. Click on the cute Blog Hop button on the right and see what everyone else did!
Happy Scrappin!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog hop
Friday, June 26, 2009
Round 2 of the RTTC
Round 2 of the Rise to the Challenge Contest
Week 1-
This week I challenge you to to play with 7's by using 7 of each of the following 7 things on your layout:
* 7 card stock papers
* 7 buttons
* 7 flowers
* 7 pattern papers
* 7 brads
* 7 letters or words in your title
* 7 techniques - Inking, paper tearing, sewing, punching, embossing, stamping, doodling
Photos are free....along with the items needed to complete your techniques.
These are the ONLY things you can use!! Good luck!!
This was my layout:
There was a bit of misunderstanding about the techniques required but whatever... I got dinged for it!
My Score: 18.86 out of 25
Judges Comments:
~Cute page. I really like the cluster of circles, flowers, and brads. I counted off because you only used 3 of the required techniques.
~Beautiful LO, but used different techniques than were listed in directions. I really like the colors in this set, the only thing I would change is the 'white space' in the upper left corner.. Looks kinda out of place.
~LOVE the picture, so cute and SWEET. Like how you did use 7 techniques, but hate that you missed 3 of the required ones. Like how you made exactly 7 scallops and filled them w/ 7 buttons!
~Very cute page! Sorry I had to take off points for the techniques!
~Wonderful LO! Very sweet! Love the tiny flowers on the circles. The little details are pretty. To bad about the use of the techniques otherwise great job!!
Week 2
Are you ready for the "Summer Heat"?I think my ideal summer temperature is 28 degrees. Celsius NOT Fahrenheit! I challenge you to use 28 embellishments of your choice on a summer themed page. If you're brave, you can try using 82 different embellishments! That's the temperature it would be in Fahrenheit!Requirements:1. 28 or 82 embellishments of your choice. (must list out) No more no less.2. Your LO must be of a "summer" theme3. Your technique to use this week is sanding (cause playing in the sand is summery)4. Must use the colors Blue(color of water) , Orange (color of the summer sun), and Brown (color of the sandy beaches).
My layout:
summer theme-yep Sanding- around sides of brown pp, around picturesblue, orange, brown- yep28 embellishments-2- pieces of felt9- cut out flowers4- inchies (didn't count if embellis came on the inchie, ie kim inchie w/ flower &bling, laceys inchie w/ flower & brad)1- 'got sand' tag1- monogram (jens swap item)11-pieces bling
My Score: 22.50 out of 25
Judges comments:
~My favorite of the week.
~Beautiful!! One of my favorite Los by you!!
~Great sanding!!Great use of the colors and theme. I like the cut-out flowers.
~I really love this page! Totally a summer page. I like that you pretty much used the color scheme given, and stuck with it through out.
~Very cute! Love the felt on this one!
Week 3 - Journal It!Yes you read correctly, but I want Raw Journaling. I want to be moved by your journaling. Scrapping is about preserving memories the good, the bad and even the ugly. I know it's difficult to scrap the bad and ugly, but I have to say from my experience when I have scrapped these events in my life I feel some sense of healing, and empowerment like I have overcome what was hurting. I can't wait to see what you all come up with.Additional Requirements:1. Use some sort if office supplies2. Use some household item to Stamp with {ie: lids, sponge, etc.} skies the limit.3. Technique - Distressing can be any kind of distressing - List all/any you use
My Layout:
My Score: 21.00 out of 25
Judges Comments:
~Amazing journaling. Makes me want to give you a big hug.
~Love it! Loving that cluster and the distressing on the page. I think some additional stamping would have tied in the blue a bit more.
~Very moving journaling and I love how you distressed the pictures, it ties in very well. Not sure your choice of brass brads goes with the whole LO- white might have looked better.
~Very pretty LO. I think the brads were a bit of a stretch since they are a a normal scrapbooking item.
I can't show the last one yet. As soon as we get judged on it I will post it! Thanks for looking!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Oh how I love the Cuttlebug!
Ok, so who doesn't the love the Cuttlebug? I don't know anyone who doesn't like it! Guess what a little birdie told me? I heard that the Cuttlebug blog is doing a giveaway! Who doesn't love giveaways? So go check it out! that blog is awesome and always full of cool challenges and ways for you to love your Cuttlebug even more! Go check it out!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Rise to the Challenge
The scrapbook board I am on had a challenge while ago and I'm not sure if I ever shared the layouts or not, so here's a little blast from the past. Why? Well, because were doing it again and its so much fun, really pushes me to do more, less, or just plain something different.
Rise to the Challenge Round 1 Challenge 1
Simon Says
You all remember how to play right?! Have fun!!
Simon Says to use CS as your LO Base
Simon Says to use 3 PPs
Simon Says to use Buttons
Simon Says to use anything to attach your items to the paper
Simon Says to Distress your photos
Use ink to distress it
Simon Says to use ‘White Space’
Simon Says to Use 2 Photos
Sounds like fun right? HA! ok, so these aren't fun... well.... kinda! Its hard to explain, I have a love hate relationship with these kind of challenges. So this one my problem is that I DONT DO WHITE SPACE. I just dont, I love other peoples white space layouts, me I think I have done like 3 and yes all for challenges! lol I just dont do them! This is what I came up with:
and my score: 37 out of 50
Judges Comments:
~Cute LO, I like how you cut circles from the 3rd pp. The while space got covered up by all the buttons though, so not really ‘space’ anymore. The picture of your family is too cute!
~Kat - I love how you placed your buttons and pp circles around your pics, like champagne bubbles! I think this is one of my favorite LO's that I've seen of yours. Great job!!
~Love the circles and buttons. I think you should have had more white space, though. There isn’t much on this LO. Great choice to use the Celebrate pp.
~Love your overall creativity on this LO. The buttons and circles really flow well and help balance the white space. Love the bright colors and your use of a title. Glad you tried the distressing technique; however, it really doesn’t stand out and set your photos apart. Overall, it’s a really creative and neat LO!
~Nice work!!
Chellenge 2
Add Challenge!
Take this add and copy it in your layout.
You must include a clear object on your LO (ie. recycle some plastic packaging, ghost shape..etc)
You must use at least 1 punch on your page (be creative!)
You must treat the Ad as a LIFT (not just inspiration of colors etc.)
I REALLY don't like add challenges, but I tried my best to 'lift' every aspect.
Here is my layout
And my score: 40 out of 50
Judges Comments:
~Awesome job. I love the flowers!!!!!!!! Great use of the punch too creative!
~Cute flowers and great job following the ad as a lift. I think the pictures are way too small though. Cute title!
~I like how you layered the pics on top of the flowers! Very cute. I would have liked to see more contrast between the middle pp and the bottom pp. Love how you layered the flowers and placed them on either side of your title.
~The greens don't seem to match in this LO. I like how you used the pics as the flower centers. Cute title.
~Very sweet LO!
Challenge 3
Focus on the picture!
Create a LO that the Photo(s) are the center of attention! Make sure your Photo is the focus of the LO. Higher points if you can add close up detail to your Photo by focusing in on one area of the main photo with an additional close up photo.Other requirements:
Technique - Doodling, you must doodle on your creative!
Your page must include a pocket
Must include an arrow on your LO
Ok, Doodling is not my favorite thing to do but besides that I dont have much to complain about this challenge! Shocking huh?
Here is my layout:
My score- 34 out of 50
Judges Comments:
~Very cute LO. Perfect use of the close up pic!
~I love your arrow! The distressing and coloring, and the ribbon and pins on it, are perfect.
~love the papers, love the 2 different Thickers you used. Like the stick pins. The pocket seems out of place, however. I think the circle picture should have been matted.
~You did a great job on the arrow!
Then after that I had no creative juices anymore and the craziness at home caught up to me, so I didnt continue. I plan on doing this current series of challenges to the end. But here I am with one due today and nothing even started! Hope I get some motivation to do it soon! Wish me luck!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Scrap Krap
Dad's Day Shirts
The kids made Ken Dad's Day shirts. I made a stencil with the cricut and freezer paper, then the kids painted it with fabric paint. They both did really good. I was impressed by how good Kassel did and he was so specific about getting every little corner! after that dried we painted their hands and made hand heart prints. they turned out cute. I don't expect Ken to wear them out in public or anything but around the house maybe. the kids loved doing it and giving it to him!
This was Fathers Day morning (not the bedhead on Kaitlyn! lol) Dad was spoiled with all the gifts from Girl Scouts, Preschool and the shirts we made at home!
Hope everyone had a great Fathers Day!!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: The fam
Get back to work!
Kassel is ready for Mama to get back to work!
The MOMS club had a year end party and I volunteered to do chair massage. I really don't like chair massage but its a great teaser and marketing tool. I had to 'practice' on Ken, really just his excuse to get a massage from me. Kassel wanted one too but just giggles and squirms when I tried to give him one!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Our little getaway
We love going to Pal Springs, just to get away from it all for a day or so. This was a few weeks ago but we left right after school one day and came back home the next afternoon. It was a great little getaway and we always enjoy it! Heres the kids ready to go swimming!
Ready set GO!
Proof I was there.. I dont seam to be any many pictures so here I am....
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: The fam
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sketch Blog Hop! 6/17

Welcome to another blog hop! This month the challenge is a sketch challenge. Valerie Salmon was gracious enough to allow us to use her sketch 85 for this challenge. You can check out her other sketches at Got Sketch
Valerie Salmon's sketches are for personal use only and not for the purpose of publication submissions, contest entries, design team projects, class projects, and design templates.
I just love sketches! If it wasn't for sketches my pages would all look the same! Here is my layout from this sketch. I was pretty specific to the sketch. I was pretty pressed for time as I completely forgot about this until last night! oops! Good thing I had pictures that would (kinda) work for it!
Don't forget to click on the Blog Hop button to 'Hop' from blog to blog and see what the rest of the girls did with this awesome sketch!
Enjoy! and Happy Scrappin'!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 9:55 PM 5 comments
Labels: blog hop
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Remember-Blog Hop!
This months theme is "Remember" or "Time" and even though my layout doesn't have those words in it, it pretty much shows the passing of time. All of '08 in one page! It's not my favorite page but I'm pretty happy with it! I don't remember the last time I used so many pictures on one page! It was really difficult for me!
Continue to hop from blog to blog and see what the others did by clicking on the button on the top of this post or in the right sidebar!! Enjoy! Don't forget to leave a comment and if you played along with us leave me a link!
Happy Scrappin'!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 12:01 AM 5 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Congratulations Sweetie! You did awesome!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 10:32 PM 3 comments
Crazy week!
Wow what a crazy week! But what else is new lately. I feel like I've just been hanging on to sanity lately...
Monday we came back from the wedding in San Diego, we were all so tired but had a great time!
Tuesday- Splash park with school friends after school.
Wednesday- Funeral out of town, which we thought was at 5 but ended up being at 7.
Thursday- Kaitlyn's last day at one of her schools
Friday- Kaitlyn crashed and burned at school (CC) and got sent home with an "Owie Report"
-Graduation from preschool (OB) did an awesome job
-After graduation she had a bad fall from the playground and we had to call 911. Thank the Lord he protected her from being seriosuly injured!
Saturday- BBQ at my dads for my cousins' memorial
- Baseball Game with Girl Scouts and camped all night on the field
Sunday- Got booted from the field by 8am, yes I typed that right 8AM! Keep in mind we DON'T DO MORNINGS!
- Came home, emptied car, nap time by 11!
Hope everyone else had a great week, with a little less drama then we had!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 2:04 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day Flag Placing
We went to the Crestlawn Memorial Park and placed poppies and flags for the Veterans on saterday. The girls did great and had fun too! We had 3 of our girls go, Kaitlyn, Jaeden and Kylie. Kaitlyn and I even placed my Grandfathers flag and poppy. My camera stopped working tho! Thankfully a a friend of ours had her camera and took some great shots for us!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Mud bath!
I've been longing to go back to Glen Ivy Spa and have a mud bath and a great massage ya know all the comforts of life... well the kids showed me the other day we don't need to go to the spa for a great mud bath!
and yes that's her brand new white swim suit! ugh!!
Kassel was so cute just chillin in the sun enjoying the mud dry out and get all flaky!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Kaitlyn turns 5!
How did time fly by so fast? My baby girl is 5, its not possible its just not! But I guess it really is...
We had a small party at Papas house with family and a few close friends. The girls all had a great time swimming, running around, eating, and all and all having a great time!
Kaitlyn got her first real bike for her birthday from Nana and Papa. Yes I said her first real bike. I know poor deprived child hasnt had a real bike yet. We have tons of little cars and even a few trikes but no real bikes. Its kinda hard on this busy street and no real place to ride, so yea.. anyways she got it and she LOVES it! We still need to get her a helmet but we're getting there!
Nana pulled out Adams old trike and Kassel enjoyed himself on that pretty much all day!
The girls never slowed down to take a good picture of them!
Until it was cake time!
Kaitlyn got some great gifts and enjoyed them all but is super excited about getting more money to buy HER TENT!!!!! She is SO excited to buy a tent to go camping in! We decided on an 8 man Coleman tent so we have plenty of room for some other Girl Scouts to camp with us!
I still can't beleive its been a whole 5 years! Crazy to me!
Posted by Krazy Armstrong K's! at 3:49 PM 1 comments